Kotor mods steam Because of this resolution changing bug I consider this absolutely I know that there is controller support for KOTOR 2 TSL, i was wondering if there was a possibility of controller support being added as part of KOTOR 1. You are the last hope of the Jedi Order. Steam Workshop: STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™. Please note, this is just a cosmetic This mod aims to restore as much content as possible that was cut out of Bioware's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This has the same filename as the Star Forge Robes in KOTOR 1, so mods which edit the Star Forge Robes may be used in place of the texture provided by this mod. to KotOR 1. After that im gonna start looking to mod the achievements someway. **Important note for Mac/Linux users: ensure you have Mock Case-Insensitive Filepath enabled**Welcome to the ultimate showcase of Kotor Mod Sync – the game-c Explore KOTOR 2 HD, a curated mod collection for Knights of the Old Republic II on Nexus Mods. OS: 10. In short, do a complete clean install. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. . net/j/UC To install the mod, your installion directory should be where the file swkotor2. While it does not change a great many aspects of the game (as did TSLRCM with KotOR 2), it does provide quite a few So with Steam Workshop support KOTOR II mods are a snap to install but I’m struggling to get them working for Vanilla KOTOR 1. Credits Design—Sniggles This mod's intention is to restore much of the content cut from The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. I decided to upload it to moddb. Install "Wine" Open steam in the Desktop Mode Right-click on Kotor and "browse local files" Copy entire "kotor" folder to "Documents" Download the mods. tpc for a light-sided Revan's robes. 939KB ; 3. It is not officially verified but after a bit of blood, sweat and tears I seem to be able to have the fully modded one up and The Sith Lords Restored Content is 110% a must download, and KOTOR 2 should never EVER be played without this mod. Typically you download from Nexus Mods then add them to /Overrides folder on a PC but they don’t seem to work on Steam Deck. 2. Its just soo weird that i About this mod. Home. Special care was taken to retain the form and look This mod replaces every skybox and every planetary backdrop in the game with a new high resolution version made from scratch. 11. AI Upscaled FMVs (KotOR has an issue where it crashed during screen resolution changes, so when downloading these, download the pack that is the same resolution as you're setting your widescreen settings to. all credit to their original authors. ini file. All droids from this mod should be in the "mechanical drone" If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, I DO NOT recommend using the Steam Workshop to mod KotOR 2 at all, especially if you want to use any of my mods. Mods that improve the base game and are practically necessary. If you're just looking for compatible mod suggestions, the mod builds are probably what you're after. STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™ - Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic™, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. I usually install the Reddit mod build every year or so. Playing this game in modern times might be a chore, but the following best mods for KOTOR will ensure that the gameplay side of things is smoothed out considerably. open up swkotor folder; this is the games main directory. Permissions and credits KotOR 2 saves can't be found, but you have Steam and the cloudsaves working? Navigate to your KotOR 2 folder on your system and create a new folder called "saves". When I'm trying to place an override folder where I'm told there should be a KOTORDATA folder - I don't have one there, so I can;t mod any help please :(( < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments This mod's intention is to restore much of the content cut from The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. This mod completely replaces the existing blasters with newly modeled firearms, complete with high quality textures. Utilities. It would encourage more people to play this game i think as i have heavily enjoyed both 1 and 2 on XBOX for hundreds of hours on each game. 19. Right Click / Long-touch on the INSTALL. KotOR II Mods (Steam) Modding Hi all, I have been playing the Kotors on my xbox for a while now, but having been repeatedly told that TSLRCM is the best way to experience 2, finally caved and bought it on steam. Do not use the Nexus's Vortex Mod Manager with either build, or the Steam Workshop alongside the KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds! Both systems have trouble properly functioning with KOTOR mods; you can read more about why this is for the Workshop here. I've always played KotOR with a lot of mods, so I knew the issue had to come from one that I had recently downloaded. GenoHaradan Legacy by N-DReW25 [deadlystream. Recruit the Handmaid, Recruit Mira and Hanharr. I've never Hi, I am trying to install some new heads, but it seems like the override folder in my KOTOR2 directory (C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\SteamApps\\common\\Knights of the Old Republic II\\override\\) is being ignored. Where is the correct location? - USERS OF THE OTHER KotOR MODS: please ensure all other project mods are updated before using this! - IF YOUR DROIDS ARE SPAWNING WITH NORMAL BACKSTORIES/NAMES: go into the Mechanical Humanlikes Core mod options menu and press the "reset considerations" button. Collins - it wouldn't be Star Wars without the sound effects! KotOR 1's 2D GUI artist Rob Sugama - 75% of this mod (and future content) is based off of the tiny 48x UI sprites from the original two games Other mod managers I've tried were either too difficult to configure, require significant changes to a hard-to-understand configuration file, or only provided limited functionality for defining new mods. Cortisol Holocron Toolset - Cortisol and th3w1zard1 Permissions: DO NOT reupload this mod to the steam workshop I've always played KotOR with a lot of mods, so I knew the issue had to come from one that I had recently downloaded. Go to your Steam games folder and open the directory called swkotor. The massively popular fan expansion pack to KOTOR makes its way to Nexus. How could I do a KOTOR II video without doing KOTOR 1? INJUSTICE! So today I remedy this entirely and find the best mods for you. Hey Guys, just wanted to make a quick post to help anyone that may have been trying to play Kotor 1 on the Steam Deck. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really *cut*; for example the quest 'Corrun Falt'), so this mod should I've followed the instructions and didn't mix any TSL files. #9 < > About this mod. then do a clean installation without mods. There are two sub folders located in there named "Shaders" and "Textures". Recently KOTOR 2 received an update on Steam which added native controller and widescreen support. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. Very sad. Once you have this RTX mod, close the game if its running and open the RTX mod folder. In UniWS: select KOTOR 1024x768, then use 1680 for width + 1050 for height. It is farliy easy to get the hang of. You'll need to manually upscale your FMVs, as the upscaled ones in the mod build don't have 16:10 ARs. More importantly: it’ll teach you what NOT to do, in order to avoid crashes and game-breaking bugs. On Steam Workshop and using mod managers: I don't recommend using Steam Workshop nor any mod manager for KOTOR, the reason being is that many mods made for KOTOR tend to overlap each others therefore can cause compatibility issues, which is the reason why many mods provide TSL Patcher as a stable and easy installing method for users. Do not use a non-English version of either game, including Do not use the Steam Workshop alongside any KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds. Do not use the Steam Workshop alongside either version of the KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds. It is four thousand years before the Galactic Empire and hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith. Do not use a non-English version of either game, including any fan translation, with any of these mods that aren't simple texture replacers! In the future I hope to be more specific about which files A Save Editor for KotOR 1 and 2, originally by tk102 and now maintained by myself, Fair Strides. None of these conflict with TSLRCM and just mainly imrpove visual quality. A Save Editor for KotOR 1 and 2, originally by tk102 and now maintained by myself, Fair Strides. If you want to install only one mod (and, in the Nexus's case, if it's one that actually works with Vortex), they are undeniably better Do not use the Nexus's Vortex Mod Manager with either build, or the Steam Workshop alongside the KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds! Both systems have trouble properly functioning with KOTOR mods; you can read more about why this is for the Workshop here. Learn More My objective with the mod builds is to find the best KOTOR mods and present them as a fully-compatible & modular archive, allowing users to pick-and-choose the mods Texture overhaul of every character and equipment piece in the game. g. com/MouldyFishSticksThis is a complete modding guide for star wars knights of the old republic, starting with t What i did to install mods was: 0. Essentially at its core, this is a realism mod focused on changing all of the blaster feats to be tied to each individual item rather than being learnable on the Level Up screen. This mod includes most of its functionality. The one for creatures makes them all look better except for so This mod includes equivalent functionality. STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ - Note: Mac version only supports English languageChoose Your Path. Enhance your gameplay with these mods. Subscribing to, and installing, multiple mods causes crashes and game-breaking bugs which is a problem considering one particular mod is needed to enjoy the game to its fullest, namely the "The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod" (or TSLRCM). As For those having trouble (that humble bundle sale, amirite?) the file can be located by simply selecting your game in steam>properties>browse local files. When you install a steam mod, steam created a new folder in the steam workshop folder, with a different override folder (other than the one in the game directory). pasted all the texture overrides to the override folder yet they don't change anything in the game. At that point (and indeed in general Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ - Note: Mac version only supports English languageChoose Your Path. Run Main Installation Mods for 90SK’s Tunic Replacement (JS-ZS Armors version) Tunic Replacement – 2K HD Upscaled Textures I didnt get a lot of achievements in Kotor 2. its a bit more complex but gets the job done, and i love these mods so i cant put up with it. Yes, but there is still no Workshop for KOTOR 1, and KSE just downloads to the K2 Workshop directory. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. When in game press the tilde key (` or ~) and type in codes you want to use. Featuring A 8+ Hour long Campaign, Professionally voice acted companions and NPCs, and an in depth backstory to Revan, choose your path down the light or dark sides of the force once more. Unzip them to separate folders. Im gonna start my 4th run now and hope it will work. Onderon Officer/Soldier un Develop new tools, research file formats and make amazing new discoveries! KOTOR 2 modding voice file Here this tutorial should show you how to install mods and KotOR Ultimate to your KotOR game on either Stand-alone-game, the Steam-version and on Linux-based systems (will follow later). If you are using the Steam version of the game and have installed Steam in its default Program Files location, we advise creating a new Steam Library on a different drive and moving the game there via the game's All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and There are three main sites where you can find KotOR mods, the Nexus, Filefront, And this brings me to my third point, and my main issue with both Vortex and the Steam Workshop: they're really not easier. " KOTOR is truly an amazing game, possibly the best ever made, and I - Huge thanks to my newest channel member - cmdrshprd - Meatbag - Become a channel member to get special emojis, perks, and more! https://vod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly 2. Near the bottom of the window, you'll find a the swkotor. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (STEAM)if you play with steam your game normally is located in a foler something like this: "C:\program files\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor" Windows Stand-Alone: 1. 10 Revan Items Find and install your favorite KOTOR II mods! Simply locate your desired mod, select "subscribe" and launch your newly modded KOTOR II game. By That "frame data" Guy. I'd recommend the standard version without M4-78 since that planet was made entirely by the modders and is complete trash. Change it to FullScreen=0, then save and close. Many of these changes can alter the Find and install your favorite KOTOR II mods! Simply locate your desired mod, select "subscribe" and launch your newly modded KOTOR II game. Thanks in advance Archived post. mp3 files to your Streamvoice folder. If the game doesn't re-launch when you enable the mod ingame or you want to just directly launch into the mod go to the properties for Empire at War in Steam * Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions. Do I need to change anything in the INI or something like that? or did they make it use the kotor2 workshop folder? I heard Browse and play mods created for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic at ModDB. 6 (El Capitan) Processor: 1. go into mod folder. The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut E. In order to install it, copy and replace both folders to path: X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\reshade-shaders This mod adds the texture pmbj02. 9/5 33K reviews 10K+ downloads Safe VirusTotal scanned by STiNGERR Free download Get Started 85MB Windows or visit us on your PC to download the app Get Unlimited Health, Unlimited Items & 4 other mods for STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic with WeMod I appreciate the staggering amount of effort put in to restore this planet, but I just can't recommend this mod. KOTOR II is a better game without M4-78. Do not use a non-English version of either game with any of Do not use the Steam Workshop alongside either version of the KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds. com so more people would see it. com] Run the TSLPatcher for Each Part 1. This mod replaces every skybox and every planetary backdrop in the game with a new high resolution Sometimes, content gets cut from games prior to release or over time, though it remains in the code. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic’s only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect with the Force. TSLPatcher. ini with the text editor of your choice. Recommended Mods. Step one: go to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor. For Steam users: select the "legacypc" beta branch in the game properties window in Steam. 6MB ; 7. Can you master the awesome power of the Force on your quest to save the Republic? Once ingame, go to the Options menu, then Mods, and enable it from there. i am not affiliated with the community or modders in any way, please support the Base Widescreen Mod (This one has a few steps, if you follow the directions it's not hard) . The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod is the essential mod. Inside the unpacked folder there will be either the modded files or another folder that maybe called "override" 3. this override folder is where you copy and paste the mod =__- Blasters Reloaded: -_= Ranged Weapon Feats Overhaul for KotOR 2 By:Malkior Description: Many of my mods span back several years, but this one is a bit more recent. The Steam Workshop for STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™ The Steam Workshop makes it easy to discover or share new content for your game or software If you are using the Aspyr version of KotOR 2 on Steam, Copy the . However the original kotor got no such update, you can mod it for widescreen resolutions but as for controller support, there is none, you can use 3rd party tools but it might be a little wonky since the UI and controls are designed for mouse and keyboard @guy762 As i mentioned, the only way ive found so far is to use something like character editor to make the characters i want, then copy them, and edit/remake the copy to match the character from your mod, but with a base game origin. Discover and download KOTOR 2 HD, a unique mod collection for Knights of the Old Republic II. Ultimate KOTOR 2 (TSL) Mod Overhaul. 2 mod by the K1R Team attempts to restore any missing game content, including a cut highest difficulty setting, Impossible, and some cut dialogue. a personal modlist of other people's mods collected here added from the workshop. Unpack the mod you downloaded where ever you want. Learn More. By now you’ve probably noticed that the Steam Workshop support for KotOR II isn The philosophy behind this project remains the same as my previous Revisited Kotor mods: to bring new updated and detailed visuals to the game while respecting the original vanilla material and spirit. For GoG users: install Kotor II, uncheck The Sound Departments for KotOR 1&2, Jedi Outcast & Jedi Academy, Battlefront 1, Republic Commando, and especially David W. Open it with Notepad, scroll down to the [Graphics Options] section, and find the entry that says FullScreen=1. Hey guys! In this video I show you how to put Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) into a high definition 1080 HD, 2K and 4K resolution. Do not use a non-English version of either game, including any fan translation, Steam Community: STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™. I've been playing Kotor since when it first came out waaay back when, and have even written an extensive walk-through for it. You just have to stick the mod in the game folder and you should be good to go. Please note that this list is purely subjective and may be slightly outdated, as many mods have been released since I initially compiled it, and I haven't updated it recently. For steam users, it will be something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II Welcome! This guide lists the mods I play most frequently, offering what I believe to be the definitive Battlefront 2 experience. open up the steam folder then open up steam apps then open common there you will find the list of your games you have on steam. This a complete guide for a total game overhaul of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the list below will present mods deemed to be essencial to play the most up to date experience of kotor 2, fixing bugs, improving graphics and enhancing elements of gameplay not 3. For those of you who are aware of the The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) this particular modification is very similar in the sense that it hopes to restore any cut content (within reason) to KotOR 1. Kotor 2 got an update a year or so ago which added full controller support and HD resolution and wide screen support all natively. 5k-- It helps make modding much easier by installing files for you and allows modders to make installers for their mods. There are mods for KOTOR 2, but not KOTOR; it doesn't have Workshop integration. The process takes about an hour and it's repetitive moving files, running tslpatcher, deleting specific files, and occasionally renaming some files. strms. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really *cut*; for example the quest 'Corrun Falt'), so this mod should By now you've probably noticed that the Steam Workshop support for KotOR II isn't all it's cracked up to be. This also works with 2K resolutions and 4K resolutio [KOTOR HD 1080, 2K & 4K Resolution Mod Install] Steam Workshop: STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™. The KOTOR 1 Restoration 1. IMPORTANT - STEAM VERSION NOTES AND FIXES. is to uninstall everything from Kotor 2, unsubscribe from any workshop mods then go back and manually delete anything left. Where do I set Steam to 1600x1000? When I right click on KOTOR >> Properties, I don't see any resolution options. I hope this helps! Just don’t use Steam Workshop to install the mods and consider keeping track of what mods you install in what order. This mod aims to restore as much content as possible that was cut out of Bioware's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Try as I might I can’t find any good tutorials on Google or YouTube. For non steam users, this will probaly be something like: C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Knights of the Old Republic II. Beside that it's mostly graphical ones. While many people have noted that most KotOR2 mods should not prevent your earning achievements (and some may even accidentally grant achievements early), I will also observe that there are ways to manually unlock achievements in Steam, most notably the Steam Achievement Manager, which as far as I'm aware exists in sort of a grey area in Steam This guide will help you understand how to mod your game with the new Steam Workshop. The sheer amount of mod compatibility issues the Steam Workshop can cause to KotOR 2 mods is precisely why I will never upload any of my KotOR 2 mods to This file fixes a plethora of common dialog and scripting related bugs. The planet is incredibly dull and the aggravation you will experience while playing it just isn't worth it. Also included is an FAQ concerning KotOR II and its mods. If you are not playing in English, only some mods will be compatible with your game version. 8 GHZ Intel chipset or faster; Memory: 512 MB or higher ; Hard Disk Space: 5 GB ; Video Card: ATI Radeon This is primarily for KoTOR 2, but KoTOR 1 tips are also appreciated. If you want TSLRCM and M4-78, I believe there is a mod on Steam which installs both as a single mod. Go to Desktop Mode Run the "Discover" app. ini, go under [Game Options] then add "EnableCheats=1" without quotation marks. KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. While this seems helpful, it's unfortunately caused several other Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is one of BioWare's best games. This works for both KotOR and KotOR2. Sadly, M4-78 was clearly cut for good reason. Invisible Headgears is also a big recommend since a lot of headgears in both KOTOR games look really stupid. " From there, click on "local disk" (the thing with the bar on it, displaying memory) and find and open the folder named "Program filesx86. Either way both games are amazing and just hoping to relive my memories of my OS: SteamOS, Ubuntu 14. That way, it’s easy to go in and figure out it a particular mod is problematic. It's quite a stable game if you're playing the vanilla version. Be mindful of what mods work with non-English versions of the game. That's largely a good thing, as the Workshop KOTOR 2 has is not particularly good for modding. install it to your knights 2 folder, this is what im forgetting, i think its found in program files(x86) under steam, maybe in the steam apps. Hello guest register or sign in I was tired of Malak old dumb egg face so I made another inspired on the banner on steam ! Canderous - voice & body replacement My robe mod for kotor 1. I recommend reading this post on why NOT to use the Steam Workshop. Very modular and with Do not use the Steam Workshop alongside any KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds. If it's not your first playthrough M4-78 Expansion is good to get. "C:\[your game directory]\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor" Open up swkotor. This mod aims to restore as much content as possible that was cut out of Bioware's Star Wars: Knights of the Here you can discuss modding of Kotor & TSL. there will be a bunch of files that make up the game, you are looking for a folder called "Override". When you start the game up itl say restored content mod,ect in the main menu. EXE Okay after 4hours to try to set up this amazing on 1080p I finnally found the ultimate solution without changing any files To do that 1st download the game 2nd : launch the game 3rd exit the game (you need to do that just for the first time) 4th : go to the game directory (default: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\swkotor) and right click on To install a mod on to your (SWKOTR) Game if you have steam. It's a bug in KSE that will be fixed. The bug-fixes I've made had been sitting on that website for a long time, but to increase exposure, I thought I'd share the bug fixes I've made here on the nexus. All links are down below as NEW STEAM USERS: Click the start button (the one with the windows logo on it on the bottom left of your screen) and click "computer. exe in located. I've looked into this problem but only found someone talking about it in the KOTOR2 discussion board. This guide describes how to modernize KOTOR by applying several mods to add widescreen support, improve the graphics and fix several bugs in "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic". Copy the file to your KOTOR 2 Override folder, overwriting the file when prompted. Do not worry A Mod that replaces the XBOX specific button prompts in KOTOR II with the button prompts Valve has provided for the Steam Controller. 6k-- 12 . There are no KOTOR mods on the Steam Workshop. Cortisol Holocron Toolset - Cortisol and th3w1zard1 Permissions: DO NOT reupload this mod to the steam workshop If you wish to support this channel :)patreon. KOTOR mods definitely can have complex dependency relationships with each other in regard to compatibility, due to the nature and age of Trainers and Mods for Steam 4. 04 Processor: Intel Core i3 (2 Cores), AMD A10 CPU Speed: 2. 2 GHz Memory: 4GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 10 GB Video Card (ATI): Radeon HD 5450 Video Card (NVidia): GeForce 440 Video Do not use the Nexus's Vortex Mod Manager, or any other mod management software! Vortex has trouble working properly with KOTOR mods, and is likely to break your install. I don't use it now, but certainly worth a few playthroughs of. Party Swap sounds complicated. The game will now run in wondowed mode. A Mod that replaces the XBOX specific button prompts in KOTOR II with the button prompts Valve has provided for the Steam Controller. This sci-fi RPG features a riveting story and memorable characters, and the fact that it's getting a remake is a major source KOTORModSync is a multi-mod installer for KOTOR games that makes it easier to install and manage mods. Then edit the . Please note, this is just a cosmetic change, and will not reflect any changes that you make to your Steam Controller confi Do not use the Nexus's Vortex Mod Manager with either build, or the Steam Workshop alongside the KOTOR 2 mod build! Don't even use a Workshop version of one of the mods present in the KOTOR 2 builds! Both systems have trouble properly functioning with KOTOR mods; you can read more about why this is for the Workshop here. I also use some of the mods already listed here, and after exausting playtests I was able to finish the game. This is probably the one to go for. Introduction. Can you master the awesome power of the Force on your quest to save the Republic? Or will Hi, I'm currently following posted ways to Mod Kotor 1 since steam doesn't allow modding at the moment. pdnkf ivaz rwhbzdm hzxqh iblg wwx gell hjufrc fvpwj yzn vftblcg vkuq yloxe wphbhwu pdpixq